UPDATE: infiltrators, Ancient, Captain with Power Fist, Phobos Librarian, Phobos Captain and Exexutioner added!

I’ve not posted in a while so wanted to share my plans with you to build a Sons of the Phoenix, Primaris army. I’ll be adding pictures as I paint up models so do check back to see progress!
I’ve been playing warhammer on and off since the late 80s but have never had a proper 40k Space Marine army! Absolute heresy in anyone’s book.
This won’t be a ‘competitive list’ in any sense and will be largely based on the models that I want to build and paint. Looking sexy and having a bit of wow factor on the table is definitely the priority!
Choosing which chapter to go with was the first challenge. I’ve always had a soft spot for Crimson Fists ever since I was bought the Space Marine box set back in 1987. Just looking at that box art now immediately invokes nostalgia from that era and I vividly remember slapping on tons of black paint then adding red stripes. As you do.

However, with all the new sexy Primaris models released lately, I knew I wanted to go with an Ultima Founding Chapter (all Primaris) and it didn’t take long to decide who to go with – Sons of the Phoenix.

I’ve always been a massive fan of Emperors Children having had a huge 30k force and always loved the idea of a loyalist EC successor chapter. Sons of the Phoenix lore (which in fairness is very sparse!) states that their gene-seed originates from the Imperial Fists however there are some clear nods to an Emperors Children lineage.
The chapter badge and colour scheme both tip their hat to EC but the biggest give away is their name, with the best of all the Primarchs, Fulgrim, being known as the Pallantine Phoenix.

So chuck in the fact they are white (I’ve always wanted to have a go at painting a white force for some time!) made it a very easy choice!

I’m a slow painter but am targeting 1750 points to take to the best 40k tournament on the planet – No Retreat in September! Best get my skates on.
Here are a few pics of what I’ve painted to date. I hope you like them and I am really looking forward to sharing updates with you as I go!
Sons of the Phoenix Redemptor Sons of the Phoenix Redemptor
I love the Redemptor model and can see me getting another couple to accompany Sauliar Tarvetz above.
Sons of the Phoenix Intercessor
Sons of the Phoenix Agressor Primaris Ancient
Thanks for looking and I’d love to hear from any other Sons of the Phoenix players out there.

My homage to that CF box
set from 30 years ago!!
Additional reading up here:
Would you please precise where (on the internet) is it possible to obtain scribe decals (like on the dreadnought right shoulder) ?
Thank you
Anyway, that’s a magnificent army !
Hello and thank you.
Here you go 🙂
How exactly did you get that combination of pink and purple together? Having a hell of a time searching the internet for it.
Hi there – Vallejo warlord Purple over a white on black zenithal pre shade.
HTH and thanks for looking.
Hello, I was hanging out a bit on the net when I came across your magnificent primaris, I read that you used warlord purple for purple / pink, but could you tell me how you got this white, and with what paint? I followed a youtube tutorial on a first space marine hero painted in the color of the sons of the Phoenix, but I clearly prefer your color scheme, 😉. thank you for sharing and good luck Antoine Dagon
Hi – thanks for looking and your feedback! Glad you like them.
Recipe for the white was:
Undercoat black
Base in Vallejo Stonewall grey
Apply 50/50 white/stonewall grey with Airbrush leaving some of the original grey.
Apply 2:1 white/stonewall grey same as last step
Edge highlight using a hairy brush in pure white
Washed rivets etc with reikland flesh shade then hit them with pure white.
I think that’s about it! Let me know how you get on.
Okay, super, thanks for the answer😁 and have a good day
Just started my own Sons of the Phoenix army albeit mine is a Black Templars list. I will certainly lose the key iconography to some degree but I think it looks good though.
Your post has been really helpful and provided a lot of substance and references for my work. Thanks a lot!!