Hello, again my fellow followers of the Khan, Garfield here again to talk about the pretty awesome upcoming Space Marine Codex release and how it has taken my “fun” army right up to the top of the table. So, if you haven’t read my previous post about my hobby army, The Sons of the Khan, […]
Tag: warhammer
Garfield’s Tau – the Forces of Da’hilia XIV
Garfield’s Army Showcase – The Tau of Da’hilia XIV Greeting fellow Nerdists. Since my last post about my Tau army, I have been play testing and tweaking what units are going to fit within my 2000 point list. One section of my army that I have changed wholesale is the use of stealth based infiltration […]
The Ravensbourne Hunt – An Age of Sigmar Warband
Many moons ago when I was a fresh faced youth dabbling in the worlds of Games Workshop, my first love was Warhammer Fantasy. I flirted with Orcs & Goblins before settling on Brettonia as my chosen faction. I loved the models, the homages to Arthurian legend and the idea of humans on horses facing down […]
Golden Demon Winner – Jimmy P…
We had the pleasure of spending some time with James Philp recently to learn more about what it takes to move from keen hobbyist to competition painter. Not only is James a Golden Demon winner , but owner of one of the finest Horus Heresy 30k armies you are ever likely to see! Those […]
Age of Sigmar – The Future is Bright, The Future is Tzeentch
Hello once again fellow table top heroes. I am here today to talk about the upcoming release of Age of Sigmar and my renewed attempt to play it using a Tzeentch army. A year or so ago I watched an Age of Sigmar battle report and it looked great. The massive models, the frankly brutal […]
Blood Angels Librarian Dreadnought Kitbash
Who doesn’t love the idea of the mouldy remains of a long incapacitated astartes psyker piloting a huge walking sarcophagus? Well, apart from the denizens of /tg/ on 4chan I mean? I certainly do and I have no problem with the idea of said walker sprouting magical red wings and flapping across the field of battle […]
Garfield’s Cunning Stunts and their Cunningly Stunty Adventure
Hi chaps and chapesses, Garfield here to share my first impressions of Blood Bowl with you. I’ve always liked the idea of BB ever since first edition many years ago, but never really had the opportunity to play it. That was until my local gaming club recently announced they were setting up a BB […]